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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Custom Crazed - Kidrobot C3PO Munny by Jason Chalker


* Custom C-3PO KidRobot Munny with light up eyes and motion sensor.
* The eyes turn off automatically and are triggered by the motion sensor in the mouth.
* The on/off switch is hidden in the panel on his back.
* It takes two AA batteries (included). They are behind the disc on the back of his head. The disk twists off.
* Instructions on changing out the batteries included in the packaging.

Movie NEWS - Dark Shadows : Banner Showcases Barnabas' Women

Warner Bros. have released a new banner image for the Dark Shadows movie, featuring Barnabas flanked by the film's leading ladies. Pictured are Eva Green as Angelique Bouchard, Michelle Pfeiffer as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins, Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman and Chloe Grace Moretz as Carolyn Stoddard.

Convention Madness - ECCC : Emerald City Comic Con '12 Pix from Day 1

Vinnie Da Pooh T-Shirt is AWESOME !!
Get one @ Cappy's Booth # 214
Tell him uncleJAFO sent ya !!!

Movie NEWS - Dark Shadows : Character Banners

Warner Bros. have released a new set of character banners for Dark Shadows, showcasing the movie's lead players. Pictured are Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins; Eva Green as Angelique Bouchard; Chloe Grace Moretz as Carolyn Stoddard; Bella Heathcote as Josette duPres; Michelle Pfeiffer as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, Helena Bonham Carter as Dr. Julia Hoffman; Gully McGrath as David Collins; Jonny Lee Miller as Roger Collins; and Jackie Earle Haley as Willie Loomis.