Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Latest on the Collecting NEWSFRONT .. Circus Punks

Finally .. !!
I have a Baboon Circus Punk !!
My Bud NESS created this masterpiece ..
Blue Balls Baboon

Don't I look Happy !!
Actually .. I look Insane !!
Here is the rest of my collection ..
and a Huck Gee Stripper from Andy Caro (skatefink)
on the Funatics boards ..
Here is a very cool article on Punks ..
from Plastic & Plush Blog
These I need to get in my collection ..
Ringmaster Freddy
Ivan from Flapjack Toys
NESS Badass Baboon
Shag's Tiki

More on Circus Punks soon ..
including Cool Customs !!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Top Chef .. Week 9 - Restaurant WARS !!!..

Leah & Radika win the
Quickfire Challenge
Although I liked Fabio's
concept BEST !!
Fabio: Tuna and Swordfish Carpaccio, Filet Mignon and Cheese Sandwich

Sunset Lounge wins the WAR
Stefan, Fabio, Leah, & Hosea
Stefan wins the episodes prizes

Bu-Bye Radika ..
Pack Your Knives & Go !!

BRAVO Wednesday nights @ 10 pm
NYCC is Feb 6th - 8th - ZENE-NEWS
New York Comic Con is coming up fast make sure you join Zenescope Entertainment at booth #1421 for one of the year's BEST Comic Conventions! Here's what Zenescope has planned:
Be a Zenescope Girl & WIN A TRIP to San Diego!
Ladies, stop by Zenescope's booth #1421 to have your photo taken and you will be entered into the ZENESCOPE GIRL of the month contest. One winner will be selected each month throughout 2009 and will receive a $100 gift certificate to as well as a Zenescope gift pack which includes free books, t-shirts and other Zenescope products.
Oh, but there's more! One GRAND PRIZE winner will be chosen at the end of the year by our online voters and will be selected to win a trip for two to 2010 COMIC CON INTERNATIONAL in San Diego OR a cash equivalent that can total up to $1500!
How to enter:
Just dress as your favorite Fairy Tale or Zenescope character or simply come to the booth as you are and get your photo taken by our in-booth photographer.
Stop by Booth #1421 during the following times to have your photo taken:
Friday 3-6pm
Saturday 11-1pm and 3-5pm
Sunday 1-3pm
Zenescope Panels you don't want to miss!
Wonderland: The Director's Cut
Friday Feb. 6th
3:15 - 4:15pm Room 1A23
Join Raven Gregory, Daniel Leister, Nei Ruffino, Ralph Tedesco, and Joe Brusha as they walk you step-by-step through the creation of their insanely popular independent comic Return To Wonderland and sequel Beyond Wonderland. From story to script to pencils to colors, the team will take you inside the production of the creation of their cult hit. They'll also be raffling off some very cool prizes to boot.
Prizes include T-shirts, Custom Skins, Comic Books and Limited Edition Prints
The Grimm Side of Success
Saturday Feb. 7th
5:15 - 6:15pm Room 1A23
Zenescope Entertainment's Grimm Fairy Tales is one of the longest running independent comic books being published today. Created in 2005 by Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco, it quickly captured the imagination of thousands and found a loyal audience. Now almost three and a half years and 36 issues later, the creators will share the history of the comic and of the company that surprised everyone. Join Joe, Ralph, Raven Gregory, David Seidman, and others as they walk you through the creation of their hit series and how they then launched into developing and creating other titles such as Return to Wonderland and 1001 Arabian Nights. DVDs, T-Shirts, exclusive comics, and graphic novels will be raffled off immediately following the panel!
Prizes include T-shirts, Custom Skins, Comic Books and Limited Edition Prints
Appearances and Signings @ Booth #1421
TEAM WONDERLAND! Raven Gregory (writer), Daniel Leister (penciler) and Nei Ruffino (colorist) are the creative gurus behind Return To Wonderland and Beyond Wonderland. The team will be signing their New York Comic Con 2009 Exclusive issue of Beyond Wonderland debuting at the convention!
Also in attendance:
PAT CROCE and writing partner ADAM SLUTSKY – Pat Croce is a world renowned motivational speaker, best-selling author, pirate history expert and co-writer of Zenescope’s new series No Quarter
JOE BENITEZ – Phenom Artist known mainly for The Darkness and his DC illustration work and cover artist for Zenescope’s No Quarter and Beyond Wonderland
RYAN STEGMAN – Cover artist for Zenescope’s hit indie series Grimm Fairy Tales and Beyond Wonderland
DAVID SEIDMAN – Interior and Cover Artist for Zenescope titles Se7en, Grimm Fairy Tales and Straw Men
KEN HAESER – Writer, Creator and Artist of Zenescope’s cult hit The Living Corpse
JOE BRUSHA – Writer of the hit comic Grimm Fairy Tales and the terrifying comic book series The Straw Men adapted from the New York Times Best-selling novel
RALPH TEDESCO – Writer of hit comic Grimm Fairy Tales and Se7en, the enthralling and disturbing mini-series that gave serial killer John Doe a second life.
NYCC is Feb 6th - 8th MORE MORE MORE !!
About Pierce & Nathan: "Pierce and Dogboy are the Carney family mischief makers! Pierce is the quintessential bratty younger brother, and Dogboy is Pierce's pal, a loving pet, and... a fur covered wingman! Pierce relishes his gross-out gig as "The Human Pincushion" in the family sideshow act. (He's got more holes than a boardwalk putt-putt course). When Dogboy isn't doing double duty as the family's household hound, and Pierce's partner in crime, he wows the crowds at Barker's sideshow with his furry face and outrageous animal antics!"
Sharing their booth with kaNO, Carnival Cartoons will have on hand skatedecks, prints, plus resin figures available to all. Pierce The Human Pin Cushion stands about 5.5” tall & Nathan The Dog-Faced boy stands about 4” tall. The set comes signed with a mini print. More pictures of this carni family after the jump.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Latest on the Collecting NEWSFRONT .. Uglydolls
Uglydolls collection

I have been lucky enough to find
4 of the 8 original vinyl pieces .. so far !!

The newer vinyls are clear colors ..

While I love the plush ..
I really love the vinyls !!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Ʀ∑ĐƦṸϻ - kICK a$$ Vinyl

REDRUM Sharky by Frank Kozik
Dun Dun! Dun Dun! Redrum! Redrum! Redrum! Dun Dun! Dun Dun!” When you hear the “Redrum” chanting, you know he is around the corner, ready to jump out of the water and pounce. When you hear that sound, you should start swimming back toward the shore. Turn your boat around the other way! Flee from the sound you hear! The RedRum Sharky is swimming your way, coming to hunt you down. With a bloody bone in his mouth, nothing can stop him from making you his next meal. You can’t run away from him. With adaptable feet, he can still come after you on dry land. If you hear him break down your door and say “HERE’S SHARKY!!!”, we can only pray you make it out alive!
It is a new release from Frank Kozik, using Keith Poon's Sharky! Frank has possessed the innocent Sharky and has turned him insane! Look for the trail of blood leading exclusively to ToyQube.
Would love this too .. but it's $300 ..
one of only 200 pieces ..

Should are picked me up one of these too ..
last year at SD Comic Con ..

12" Smokey by Frank Kozik
Smokey, 12-inch Unfiltered version.
Your best and ONLY friend!
Smokey is finally fully-realized in 12-inch glory. This rotocast soft vinyl fuming behemoth of a toy comes with a removable smork, a giant ego, and only the slightest hint of irony.
From who else, but Frank Kozik!
The perfect centerpiece for your toy collection, corporate coverups, or Thanksgiving dinner - Smokey is your friend at whatever event or place you could need him!