Topps has revealed a few details on the sketch cards coming in its Mars Attacks Heritage series, coming this July. Topps has pulled artists from the world of comic books, horror, science fiction, and the independent art scene. According to the press release “From superstars to fan favorites to up-and-coming stars, Mars Attacks Heritage touts an impressive roster of talent!”
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the most impressive list of contributing sketch card artists (thus far):
Mars Attacks Artist Roster Jason Atomic Lee Bradley Kate Bradley Dan Brereton Jacob Chabot Ted Dastick Jr. Layron Dejarnette Pablo Diaz Colleen Doran Jason Durdan Kimberly Dunaway Andrew Elder Randy Elliot Brent Engstrom Agnes Garbowska Jason Goad Jessica Hickman Brian Kong Charles Hall Cory Hamscher Diego Jourdan Gary Kezele Matthew Kirscht Sara Martin Chris Mason Chad McCown Brian Miller Rich Molinelli Nik Nucleous Sean Pence Don Perlin Mark Pingatore Ashleigh Popplewell Tim Proctor Ed Repka Jeremy Scott Joe Simko Jamie Snell Russ Walks Jeff Zapata
Topps promises more artists will be announced. The company posts almost daily on the Mars Attacks Facebook page. Be sure to pick-up the Aug/Sep ’12 issue of Non-Sport Update for our jam-packed Mars Attacks spectacular! No Mars Attacks fan will want to miss it.
So .. I heard JC Rivera had created an Instagram app logo vinyl figure I was blown away! Such a simple idea and yet JC executed it to perfection! JC came up with the idea for an Instagram toy and did the initial sculpt himself, and then Scott Wetterschneider took over and digitally sculpted the figure. No clue if Instagram has any plans to produce this little guy, but I would buy one in a heartbeat !!
Adam West, who played Batman on the beloved 1960s TV series, received the 2,468th star of the Hollywood Walk of Fame Thursday on Hollywood Boulevard in front of the Guinness World Records Museum.
West, who also lends his voice to Quahog's Mayor on "Family Guy," was joined at the event by guest speakers Seth McFarlane, who produces the animated TV series, and fellow voice actor Ralph Garman. The Batmobile even made an appearance at the event.
"We are thrilled to honor Adam with this prestigious award. Fans have been waiting for this special day for many years," Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President Leron Gubler, who hosted the event, said in a statement. "Adam West fired up the billion-dollar Batman franchise: the golden years and the classic Batman, the Bright Knight. He deserves his place of honor on our famed Walk of Fame."
The 83-year-old West's career has spanned more than 50 years.
The next James Bond adventure, Skyfall, has been in production for a couple of months now, but if you think that means that they have completed their cast roster then you are mistaken. Apparently director Sam Mendes was thinking that his upcoming film didn't have enough Bond Girls, with Bérénice Marlohe and Naomie Harris already on board, so he's added a third.
MI6 has confirmed that Greek actress Tonia Sotiropoulou has been brought on board for Skyfall. The actress let everyone know the good news by leaving a message on her Facebook wall reading, "Dear friends I officially announce I got a part in J. Bond new film!!! Turkey here I come! Thank u all for you love and support! This is officially the happiest day of my life bitches!!!!" She is on her way to Istanbul now where the fansite says she will be spending five days shooting two or three scenes. What's interesting about the hiring is that the actress was originally up for the role of Sévérine, which ended up going to Bérénice Marlohe. The casting director liked her so much, however, that they found a place for her in the movie.
Skyfall sees Daniel Craig return as Bond for the third time on film along with the aforementioned Marlohe and Harris, Dame Judi Dench, Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, Albert Finney, Helen McCrory, Ola Rapace and Ben Whishaw. The story sees the trust between Bond and M shattered when and old secret comes back to haunt the MI6 leader. In the meantime, a devastating threat poses to bring an end to the organization and it is up to Bond to stop it.
See the 007 movie when it arrives on November 9th.
Bigshot Toyworks have just revealed the final first color render of the Jeff Pidgeon Fox character for the Trickster Project. Created by two Pixar artists, Scott Morse and Ted Mathot, Trickster is an alternative to SDCC, open directly opposite the con, to act as a more fan based outlet. It's a combination of bar/store/galley, offering a more intimate hang out and platform for creators to discuss and engage their audience. Morse and Mathot were tired of SDCC being take over by Hollywood, so created a way to promote work that doesn't confirm to franchise property rules of a big companies.
For 2012's offering Jeff Pidgeon has been working on this fox figure, with Bigshot Toyworks creating the 3D sculpts. Not really sure on the edition numbers, but told that the image above is the final approved first colorway.