The Gallery 1988 - Melrose recently held a show called "Is this thing on?" to honor the humor stand-up, where several artists were invited to celebrate a comedian, is a painting, sculpture, toys or any other media and style that the artist wanted.
The artist TaskOne was chosen to honor the great comedian Andy Kaufman and a figure for this customized Munny as Mr. Kaufman.
The Andy Kaufman Munny is supported on a base shaped to the scene of Saturday Night Live, where he voiced the theme song of drawing Mighty Mouse . The stage has lights that illuminate the truth and the record player used to play the track design.
The Andy Kaufman Munny sold on opening night for $ 500. Check out all the artworks of the exhibition "Is this thing on?" On the website of Gallery 1988 .
If you never saw Andy perform .. you are missing something special .. It wasn't just comedy .. it was art ..
Wunderland War toys brings the ideas of Vinnie Fiorello's swirling head alive , whether it is the battle of well dressed assassin Monkey's, Gorilla Robots or the bad Habits of under sea life. 3 series of toys and growing. It's like one huge dysfunctional family.
Talk about a movie-PR-overload! The makers of the love-action GREEN LANTERN showcased a 4-minute teaser during WonderCon the weekend just, which was subsequently released to the public online via And not a day goes by when folks can breathe in the epic-nicity of the space-drama to come? We are bludgeoned with TWO TV Spots! And yeh, not to mention that new quad poster (first seen on the page actually) … man, they are trying to turn the world "green" color aren't they ? *