I say... “I’m not supposed to be within two hundred feet of a school…” “Tigers love pepper...They hate cinnamon.” (screaming)“There’s a jungle cat in the bathroom”(screaming) I say... “Not at the table Carlos.” “And we’re the three best friends that anybody could have!” “You guys might not know this but I consider myself…a bit of loner, I tend to think of myself as a one man wolf pack.” I say... “You’re not really wearing that are you?” “Hey bro, you mind putting on some pants? I find it a little weird I have to ask twice.” “Pull yourself together Phil.” I say... “Ewe, Alan? Did you just eat sofa pizza?” “What do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze? Do they dream of mauling zebras... “Am I missing a tooth?” I say... “Hahahaha, ha, funny…Fat guy fall on face.” “Quid pro quo, douche-bag.” “What you talking about Willis…That him!”