Yes .. Pillsbury .. they are not from Kool Aid .. Funny Faces started back in the 60's and stayed strong in the market place through the 70's.

Lots of Funny Face merchandise has been around .. and keeps coming out. I have been a collector of Funny Face since way before I heard of FunKo. In fact they are the first wacky wobblers I bought back in September 2002, these are the pictures from that eBay auction actually.
These are some of those originally aired commercial .. the first one which has now been banned .. it is not politically correct for today's standards ..
I collect it all .. from Goofy Grape Sings albums .. drinking cups .. pitchers .. to the old walkers that were a mail-away offer on the original packs .. and the full packs themselves.

I have even mde some of my own custom Funny Face stuff .. my favorite t-shirt is pictured below. The custom craze hit Funny Face collector's long ago .. yes those PEZ are a custom set .. and the stack of packets on the shelf are pack magnets that are custom made. The Rah Rah Root Beer & Captain Black Cherry wacky wobblers are customs too.

All the images were pulled from the original packs .. I just had to fix them to be the whole characters. Usually they had a drinking glass with a straw in it in from of them.

Lately .. on eBay .. there is a seller who has been selling custom made throw pillows of the characters. With my limited resources lately I have only been able to score the Lefty Lemon. They have looked great .. especially the Injun` Orange .. and I have saved the pictures from the auctions.
I'm going to try to win more of his auctions .. but I have to get real lucky since there are quite a few collector's trying to score these.

There are other projects that have gone bust over the years .. but these characters are just too cool to let die. New walkers were supposed to be made .. this picture is of the prototypes for 5 or 6 years ago ..
Even a new cartoon project has been started recently ..
by Renegade Animation .
Personally .. I think they look great and a new generation of kids will love them .. just like I loved them years ago .. and still do today ..
Maybe even one day I will be able to get a hold of one the "Holy Grails" of Funny Face collecting .. the Drink Stand !!
I do have a friend that has it set up in there toy room .. looks great .. and I will have to get a picture to share with you all .
I certainly could have used a Drink Stand over the summer .. to raise some cash to buy more toys. I would have broke out those canisters on my shelf and make some Choo Choo Cherry and Freckleface Strawberry !! They are only 30 years old after all !!
I do have a friend that has it set up in there toy room .. looks great .. and I will have to get a picture to share with you all .
I certainly could have used a Drink Stand over the summer .. to raise some cash to buy more toys. I would have broke out those canisters on my shelf and make some Choo Choo Cherry and Freckleface Strawberry !! They are only 30 years old after all !!
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